La opinion d emurcia

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The Plenary Hall of the City Council of Murcia has hosted this Friday the institutional act on the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, which has had a wide participation of the elderly and representatives of various entities, associations, professional associations and non-governmental organizations.
Grupo Hefame has been awarded by the Government of Murcia in the «Premios Mayores Región de Murcia 2021», organized on the occasion of the «International Day of Older Persons», in the category of «Organization that has stood out for the impact of its CSR in the development of care for the elderly».
A diver from the Special Group of Underwater Activities (GEAS) of the Civil Guard was treated last Tuesday, September 28, in the hyperbaric chamber of the Diving Center of the Navy (CBA), located in Cartagena (Murcia), after presenting a clinical picture compatible with a diving accident.
The president of the Platform in Defense of Railway in the Region of Murcia, Juan Antonio Conesa, has warned that the cut of the commuter service will leave «in the lurch» from this Friday to users of more than 1.2 million annual trips and lamented that, in the background, the «pressures» of the builders and «economic» criteria are imposed.

La region de murcia in 2′ – 15/06/ –

Recently, the Human Resources director of a hotel group told me about the enormous tiredness and irritability of the hotel staff. «They are exhausted, not because of the season, but because they are tired.
In a previous post I told you that we would continue to talk about everything surrounding the sale and purchase of companies, given the significant increase in operations of this type, for the reasons I have already explained.
Socrates, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas… Those of us who have studied philosophy at some point in our lives know that these and many other philosophers spoke of the existence of good and evil.
Cryptocurrencies are everywhere. Every day you can find some mention of them in the press, on social networks or in bar conversations. We have become accustomed to talking about
As president of Grupo Hefame, I am addressing pharmacists on this World Day to show you my deepest appreciation, on my behalf and on behalf of the Cooperative I represent, for

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Videos – – daily newspaper of murcia, news of the region of …la verdad –

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5:45hector lavoe – la verdadfania recordsyoutube – 27 nov 2014

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Conclusiones de la Abogada General Kokott presentadas el 19 de mayo de 2009. # María Julia Zurita García (C-261/08) y Aurelio Choque Cabrera (C-348/08) / Delegado del Gobierno en la Región de Murcia. # Petición de decisión prejudicial: Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Murcia – España. # Visados, asilo e inmigración – Medidas relativas al cruce de las fronteras exteriores – Artículo 62 CE, apartados 1 y 2, letra a) – Convenio de aplicación del Acuerdo de Schengen – Artículos 6 ter y 23 – Reglamento (CE) nº 562/2006 – Artículos 5, 11 y 13 – Presunción relativa a la duración de la estancia – Presencia irregular de nacionales de terceros países en el territorio de un Estado miembro – Legislación nacional que permite, según los casos, la imposición de una multa o la expulsión. # Asuntos acumulados C-261/08 y C-348/08.