El periodico de aragom

El periodico de aragom

Diario de teruel

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El Periódico de Aragón es un diario aragonés, fundado en Zaragoza, el 23 de octubre de 1990 por Juancho Dumall. Está editado por el Grupo Zeta y cuya información se centra principalmente en la Sección Aragón, Opinión y Deportes.
El Periódico de Aragón nació el 23 de octubre de 1990 y pronto comenzó a consolidarse como el segundo periódico de la comunidad, sólo por detrás del Heraldo de Aragón. En 1997 abrió unas instalaciones en el centro del Periódico de Aragón en la calle Hernán Cortés de Zaragoza.
El actual director del periódico es Jaime Armengol, que sustituyó en 2003 a Miguel Ángel Liso, director desde 1992. Este sustituyó a Juancho Dumall (principal responsable del periódico). De tendencia progresista y totalmente independiente, emplea a unas 100 personas, de las cuales unas 45 están en la redacción.

The country

Plaza El Periódico de Aragón , is located in and belongs to Zaragoza. Geographically speaking, it depends on Zaragoza. In the vicinity it is quite likely to find places of great interest. Due to its location, we think that you can find walking areas and route guides. How to get to Plaza El Periódico de Aragón To get to this location we must indicate our position of origin. (Click on the «How to get there» button on the map.)Where is Plaza El Periódico de Aragón? based on our data, we should be able to show the parallel or nearby streets. As for example Plaza Fluvi and Plaza Flores De Las Santa Isab.logically, we are always talking about the municipality of Zaragoza. At the time you are around there, you might like to see Plaza Fonz, we are convinced that you will enjoy the visit. Places close to Plaza El Periódico de Aragón
The nearby municipalities are: Zaragoza (50003), Maria De Huerva (50430), Manchones (50366), Villanueva De Gallego (50830), Acered (50347), Pedrosas Las (37787), Lituenigo (50581), San Mateo De Gallego (50840).

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The confidential

I would place both the heraldo and the newspaper as being related to the psoe. The Yarza family (owner of 30% of Heraldo), Opus and related; the rest of Ibercaja, in shares and debt (right-wing); Fatás, anti-nationalist, anti-Belloch and not very pro Iglesias (little has been left-wing in recent times); the columnists, right-wing -Lasierra, Irisarri, Papell, who writes for ABC-, a good part of the opinion articles, from ABC, as well as the weekly supplement. It goes on and on. They must be from the III International or something like that, right?
Indeed, the director of Heraldo de Aragón is Guillermo Fatas, among many other things, gold medal of the DPZ in 2004, (psoe), and founder of the newspaper El Andalán, (so red green) and now it turns out that he is of the pp. In the end, even Marcelino is right-wing. I shit myself.
That if, those who put the money wherever they come from (the owners, whether they are opus, cai, ibercaja, prisa, or cope) sure for obvious that they are right wing, now the director, who is the one who «directs» the pp, is the best thing I’ve heard since General Mena spoke.

The newspaper

The trade unions UGT and Comisiones Obreras in Aragón have concentrated this Thursday, October 7, in front of the Monument to the Constitution in Zaragoza, on the occasion of the celebration of the World Day for Decent Work, and have called for a «way out of the crisis» based on the creation of «quality jobs», have considered necessary that European funds be devoted to a recovery on «a new labor model, based on rights and quality of employment».
The president of the PP in Aragón, Luis María Beamonte, has ruled out that his party will participate in a renewal of the Aragonese Strategy for Economic and Social Recovery, which the president of the autonomous community, the socialist Javier Lambán, wants to promote, since the time for documents «has passed, it is time for management», for economic policy and «to respond to the effort made by society as a whole».
The spokesman of the municipal group of VOX in the City Council of Zaragoza, Julio Calvo, has presented five private votes to the draft tax ordinances of the Government of the city, PP-Ciudadanos, among which is to lower the general rate of taxation.