Lluis maria xirinacs frases

the betrayal of leaders

While studying at the seminary, he was struck by the statement of the thinker Alfred Korzybski, who said: «The excess of badly digested information leads us to predict a kind of collective world schizophrenia».[2] This had a decisive influence on Xirinacs, who then began the creation of his model of knowledge of reality.
In the elaboration of the 1978 Constitution he unsuccessfully proposed an alternative model of constitution, published in his book «Constitución, paquete de enmiendas», in which he defended a confederal model.
He then abandoned active politics, and in 1984 he was convinced by Agustí Chalaux to create, together with other people, the Joan Bardina Study Center with the aim of elaborating a new political, economic and social model.
Xirinacs always maintained his political commitment to Catalan nationalism, working from the Fundació Randa, which arose from the merger between the Fundació Tercera Via (promoted by himself) and the Randa School of Political Studies.

Lluis maria xirinacs frases online

Lluís Maria Xirinacs i Damians (pronunciación catalana:  [ʎuˈiz məˈɾi.ə ʃiɾiˈnaks]; 6 de agosto de 1932 – 11 de agosto de 2007) fue un político catalán, escritor, clérigo católico y defensor de la independencia de Cataluña.
En las décadas de 1960 y 1970 realizó varias huelgas de hambre, la primera de ellas una larga contra la relación entre la Iglesia y el Estado en la España franquista. Fue encarcelado en dos ocasiones (1972 y 1974-75). Se declaró seguidor de los ideales de Gandhi y empleó la no violencia en sus luchas. Por ejemplo, pasó doce horas al día durante un año y nueve meses frente a una cárcel de Barcelona hasta que se aprobó una ley de amnistía para los presos políticos. Como resultado de todas estas acciones, fue nominado al Premio Nobel de la Paz cada año desde 1975 hasta 1977[1].
En 1977, en las primeras elecciones españolas tras el fin de la España franquista, se convirtió en senador por Barcelona como candidato independiente. En 1979, fue candidato al Congreso de los Diputados en una coalición conocida como Bloque de Esquerra de Libertad Nacional (BEAN). Esto revitalizó el espíritu de la antigua Asamblea de Cataluña, de la que también fue uno de los principales promotores. Posteriormente, el BEAN presentó candidaturas en las elecciones al Parlamento de Cataluña de 1980; pero, en ambos casos, no obtuvo ninguna representación.

Lluis maria xirinacs frases 2022

-After the amnesty was granted, I stayed here because it is a very vague decree and I wanted to see how it would be put into practice before making my decision. Above all, I kept myself on standby so as not to get in the way of the maximum possible benefit to those who are affected. But today, August 9, I can already see the line. And I have come to the decision to remain in my place asking for total amnesty. This decision has been long matured because Areilza already announced a few months ago that there would be an amnesty for July excluding the acts of blood. Since then, I have been thinking and consulting with the people who come to visit me…. Even the police had asked me if I was asking for amnesty for those who had killed policemen. Some time ago I answered yes, even for the sake of the police itself.
-Here there are two points to answer. First, while they are on vacation I remain here. Working here. Because this is my job. A teacher spends his day training the kids. I try to carry out a social formation of many people who pass by where I am. While they work to earn, I work without earning anything.

Lluis maria xirinacs frases 2021

and at the same time to grant a minimum material sustenance for everybody, proposing a regime of economic transparency which would make corruption as difficult as possible, taking advantage of telematics, but without allowing this to become a totalitarian tyranny.
and at the same time to grant a minimum material sustenance for everybody, proposing a regime of economic transparency which would make corruption as difficult as possible, taking advantage of telematics, but without allowing this to become a totalitarian tyranny.

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