Cara al sol madrid

Face to the sun meaning

Shocked and a bit cold at a scene they thought was from another time. Josep and his friend were about to fly to Mallorca from Madrid this past Sunday when a loud chant and a tune came to their ears through a cell phone. Someone was singing the ‘Cara al sol’, the Falange anthem that nostalgics of Francoism claim, which also sounded on a loudspeaker in the middle of July 18, the day of the military uprising that some call «Glorious National Uprising», and for people with some political and democratic culture is a coup d’état in full rule.
These were personnel from a security company subcontracted by AENA to carry out access control to the departure terminals. «What struck me most was the quote-unquote naturalness of the situation: security personnel singing the ‘Cara al Sol’ while passengers were coming and going, even with people passing the same control where they were.»
Asked if he believes that such a scene could be repeated in a similar way on the Island, Josep believes that it is difficult to say, «but here in Mallorca I don’t see it as probable. And in case it happened, I don’t think they would be as comfortable as they are in Madrid».

Cara al sol en directo

Las circunstancias de su creación son insólitas. Los falangistas necesitaban una canción propia conmovedora para contrarrestar el atractivo popular de El Himno de Riego (el himno oficial de la Segunda República Española) y A las Barricadas (una canción anarquista muy popular).
Durante la Guerra Civil española, la Falange, que fue desde sus inicios bastante militar o paramilitar, como otros partidos juveniles equivalentes en países bajo regímenes totalitarios, se convirtió en una parte importante del Ejército Nacional (o Movimiento Nacional), tanto ideológica como militarmente, todavía como organización independiente pero reforzando al ejército regular insurgente en las líneas de combate, lo que causó muchas bajas falangistas, y el Cara al sol fue su himno durante «los días de guerra», adquiriendo la letra un significado aún más especial por su recuerdo a los «compañeros caídos».
La letra fue un esfuerzo de colaboración, bajo la dirección de Primo de Rivera. La autoría de los versos individuales se atribuye de la siguiente manera: 1-4 Foxá, Primo de Rivera, Alfaro; 5-10 Foxá; 11-12 Ridruejo; 13-14 Primo de Rivera; 15 Alfaro; 16 Mourlane; y 17-18 Alfaro. Las líneas 19-22 eran eslóganes existentes de la Falange.

Leer más  Conflicto sudan del sur

1:40face to the sunjesús g. olmosyoutube – 7 aug 2016

It’s done. Almeida has placed again the Francoist general Millán Astray in the street map of Madrid, taking advantage of the fact that it is August and people are at the beach. Two operators of the City Council of the capital placed this Tuesday the plaque where until now was the sign of Maestra Justa Freire.
They do not want to be called fascists but they take away the name of the repressed teacher Justa Freire from a street and put back the name of the coup leader Millán-Astray, and I am very sorry but both things cannot be.
Madrid has again two streets to honor the military coup leader Millán Astray and the unit that Franco sent to Russia to help the Nazis. Now they only need to set up a fascism theme park to attract skinhead tourism.

1:32cara al sol remix 2018 | david guettabesttrendyoutube – 13 jan 2018

A first-person portrait of a society destroyed by war and in an eternal process of reconstruction. Unos cara al sol, otros a la sombra is the story of a childhood marked by misery, rationing and the Regime, by the scarcity of everything but illusion. A succulent fresco of post-war Madrid, a compendium of anecdotes, characters and scenes where the germ of a future trade unionist was born and grew.
A first-person portrait of a society destroyed by the war and in an eternal process of reconstruction. Some facing the sun, others in the shade is the story of a childhood marked by misery, rationing and the Regime, by the scarcity of everything but illusion. A succulent fresco of post-war Madrid, a compendium of anecdotes, characters and scenes where the germ of a future trade unionist was born and grew.