Joan josep nuet twitter

Tertúlia amb marçal llimona, sergi tarrés, marta pascal, jj

Joan Josep Nuet i Pujals (nacido el 6 de agosto de 1964) es un político español de Cataluña que actualmente es diputado en el Congreso de los Diputados de España. Anteriormente fue miembro del Senado de España y del Parlamento de Cataluña.
Miembro del Partido de los Comunistas de Cataluña desde 1986, Nuet se convirtió en su secretario general en enero de 2010. Es secretario general de los Comunistas de Cataluña desde su formación en noviembre de 2014. Fue coordinador general de Izquierda Unida y Alternativa desde junio de 2012 hasta junio de 2019.
Nuet fue miembro del Consejo Municipal de Montcada i Reixac de 1991 a 2003 y ejerció dos mandatos como teniente de alcalde. Fue miembro designado del Senado de España desde diciembre de 2006 hasta febrero de 2011. Fue diputado en el Congreso de los Diputados desde diciembre de 2011 hasta octubre de 2015 y diputado en el Parlamento de Cataluña desde octubre de 2015 hasta su dimisión en marzo de 2019. Fue Secretario Tercero del Parlamento de Cataluña desde octubre de 2015 hasta octubre de 2017. Fue elegido para un segundo mandato en el Congreso de los Diputados en las elecciones generales de 2019. Actualmente está pendiente de un juicio por desobediencia por su papel en la declaración de independencia de Cataluña.

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Conxarxats 2×1: tenim nou govern

In the sentence, the Supreme Court recognizes that from his position in the Bureau of the Parliament Nuet «sought to establish points of union and connection between two large groups strongly opposed to each other». But, despite the continuous warnings of the Constitutional, he was voting in favor of agreements contrary to the Constitution until on September 6, 2017 the Bureau of the Parliament gave the go-ahead to the so-called referendum law.
«The accused was fully aware that the proposal of the referendum on self-determination openly contravened the Constitution and the resolutions, orders, orders and judgments of the Constitutional Court, which had provided the duty to prevent or paralyze any initiative that involved an action contrary to the mandates emanating from the Court, and the members of the Bureau had been warned of this by the Letrado Mayor and the Secretary General of the Parliament. Nevertheless, he voted in favor of its admission for processing», recalls the Supreme Court.
Subsequently, the defendant opposed the processing of the referendum project by the emergency procedure and also abstained on the admission to the proceedings of the so-called Law of Legal Transitory Status.

The trial of the ‘procés’ from the supreme court, live

However, the Criminal Chamber ruled that since it was merely a disobedience, the competence was of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, for all except for the president of the Parliament at the time, Carme Forcadell, who remained in the Supreme Court accused of a crime of rebellion -and finally convicted of sedition-.
The court, for which Andrés Martínez Arrieta has been rapporteur, has declared proven that the accused was «fully aware» that the referendum of self-determination of October 1 «openly contravened the Constitution and the orders issued by the Constitutional Court in several resolutions that were notified to him personally and of which he had been informed».
«However, the accused in his capacity as a member of the Bureau, called to qualify the writings and parliamentary documents and admit them, or inadmit them, for processing, voted favorably to the processing of the bill, disobeying the obligations imposed by the Constitutional Court, the competent body, for its disposition.»

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In the armed forces, a real omertá is practiced.

Joan Josep Nuet was sitting next to Carme Forcadell, when the president of the Parliament was leading the votes that sought the independence of Catalonia. The deputy of Catalunya Sí Que es Pot voted against those proposals, despite which he is under investigation for crimes of rebellion or embezzlement and has had to testify before the Supreme Court.
After his statement, Nuet finds reasons for optimism. The coordinator of EUiA -sister party of IU in Catalonia- and member of the candidacy of loscomunes for the 21D believes that Forcadell was sincere when she assured that she will abide by the 155 and sees in the judge the intention to mark a path that ends with the release from prison for the promoters of the DUI.
The protesters are calling for their release after this afternoon Romeva, Mundó, Rull, Turull, Bassa and Borrás have left the prisons of Estremera and Alcalá Meco after paying the bails of 100,000 euros imposed by Judge Llarena.
The American newspaper The New York Times publishes this Monday an article by Albert Rivera entitled, «We, the Catalans, owe the world an explanation», in which the president of Ciudadanos reflects on the possible «superficial idea» that is transmitted of the situation that is lived in Catalonia.