Pa ciencia la nostra

obsesion – aventura

«Voy a mostrarte la ciéncia que puedes encontrar en la calle, en el metro o cuando te quedas tranquilo en la tassa del váter mientras nos llegeixes. I la intención -en la que podrás comprobar que no siempre reeixim con éxit- es explicar-t’ho con una mica d’humor.» * Per qué ens fa pudor l’alé quan ens llevem al matí * Per qué a mi em costa tant llevar- me i a la meva parella no * Com fan les seves necessitats els astronautes * Es cert que es pot produir electricitat a partir d’orina * Per qué se m’enganxa la cortina del bany * Per qué s’arruguen les camises * Com funciona el microones * Per qué el greix a la roba no marxa sense sabó * Saps que vestir de vermell et fa més atractiu * Com és que lligues més quan portes una guitarra O quan li parles a l’orella dreta, i no a l’esquerra * Podemos imprimir nuestro menú en 3D I, per damunt de tot, les cinc preguntes que han sido motivo de discusiones familiares durante décadas: * Funciona posar la cullereta a la ampolla de cava * Por qué los tomáquets no tienen el gusto de los abanes * El suc de taronja cura el refredat * Por estalviar cal apagar los fluorescentes, o no * Podemos dormir seguros con una planta en la habitación


Current events are marked by characters such as blind mice, «Mimosito» Charlie Bolden, Tom Jones or Topo Giggio. The «Limpia» explains the scientific disguises with which he will flirt in carnival and Charles Charlatan continues recommending websites. Javi Guardiola’s (@guardiolajavi) «Científicos de relumbrón» returns with Newton explaining his laws to the sound of «Chikilicuatre». In the «interné» recommendations:

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season 2008 – 2009 ( 1st part )

To all readers and followers of this blog who live in the province of Barcelona I invite you to stop by one of the points where I will be signing copies. It doesn’t matter if you already have the book if you have bought it before, I will sign it and I will be very happy to dedicate it to you.

Buy the book «Ya está el listo que todo lo sabe» (366 curiosities to discover the reason of the things every day) of Alfred López in the web of Léeme Libros and receive it through a courier in only 24 hours and without paying shipping costs:

knowledge talks uvic-ucc. volem augmentar la cultura

We want to see that, although they have clear objectives, they are sensitive to the opinions of others and show the necessary flexibility to integrate them for the benefit of society.

The prostitution campaign, or Rita Borsellino and her fight against the Mafia, have revealed many common points in the approaches adopted: non-hierarchical organization and functioning; democratic and transparent sharing of information and power; solidarity; flexibility; a clear and realistic definition of goals and objectives in order to avoid energy losses and motivation; exchange of successful experiences.

with the appointment of the Cabinet. This has created an opportunity to move forward in strengthening Lebanon’s sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and political independence, which is at the heart of resolution 1559 (2004), and paves the way for the further revitalization of the State’s political institutions.

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