El periodico d aragon

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El Periódico de Aragón, founded on October 23, 1990,[4] did not take long to consolidate its position as the second newspaper with the largest circulation in the community, only behind Heraldo de Aragón. Its first exclusive was published on November 24, 1994, uncovering that the government of Aragon had paid on November 24, 1993 two invoices for a total value of 15 million pesetas to the company Diamond for spying on some members of the Aragonese government.
On May 28, 2015, as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations, the sculpture Energy of Communication, by José Antonio Barrios, was unveiled in this square. It was attended by Jaime Armengol (director of the newspaper, 2003-2018) and Juan Alberto Belloch (mayor of Zaragoza, 2003-2015), among other celebrities and authorities.[8] The sculpture was unveiled in the square.

aragón digital

Este artículo incluye una lista de referencias generales, pero permanece en gran medida sin verificar porque carece de suficientes citas en línea correspondientes. Por favor, ayude a mejorar este artículo introduciendo citas más precisas. (Octubre 2012) (Aprende cómo y cuándo eliminar este mensaje de la plantilla)
El Periódico de Aragón es un diario aragonés, fundado en Zaragoza, el 23 de octubre de 1990 por Juancho Dumall. Está editado por el Grupo Zeta y cuya información se centra principalmente en la Sección Aragón, Opinión y Deportes.
El Periódico de Aragón nació el 23 de octubre de 1990 y pronto comenzó a consolidarse como el segundo periódico de la comunidad, sólo por detrás del Heraldo de Aragón. En 1997 abrió unas instalaciones en el centro del Periódico de Aragón en la calle Hernán Cortés de Zaragoza.
El actual director del periódico es Jaime Armengol, que sustituyó en 2003 a Miguel Ángel Liso, director desde 1992. Este sustituyó a Juancho Dumall (principal responsable del periódico). De tendencia progresista y totalmente independiente, emplea a unas 100 personas, de las cuales unas 45 están en la redacción.

online newspapers

This type of news usually generates a stir, but in this case it stood out because of the bad headline made by the Aragonese media. And despite the age, which is qualified in the body of the text, it does not correspond to the one used in the headline.
Recently there was a similar news item and I keep saying the same thing: language is everything! The way of expressing it, the idea it conveys, what it underlies and what it makes you think if you just stick to the headline…. Until this doesn’t change, we will continue to make no progress as a society.

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In 1797 the Diario de Zaragoza appeared, the first Aragonese daily newspaper and the one with the longest duration until today, since it lasted until 1907, with some changes of masthead in relation to the political situation: Diario de Zaragoza (1797). Diario Constitucional de Zaragoza (1820). Diario de Zaragoza (1823). Diario Constitucional de Zaragoza (1836). Diario de Avisos de Zaragoza (1844). Diario de Zaragoza (1846). El Zaragozano (1850). La Libertad (1854). Diario de Zaragoza (1856, until its disappearance in 1907).
At the beginning, the novelty, in addition to the daily periodicity, consisted in opening more to the informative, to the news and announcements; while the Semanario de Zaragoza (1798) maintained the line of the literary and scientific magazines of the 18th century.
During the War of Independence, the Gaceta and the Diario continued to be published until they were suppressed with the surrender, and during the French occupation the Gaceta Nacional de Zaragoza was published, inspired by the French administration. After 1814 the publication of the Gaceta and the Diario resumed, two or three times a week, and after Riego’s constitutionalist uprising it was renamed Diario Constitucional de Zaragoza (1820-1823).

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