Pedro j ramirez blog

El videoblog del director

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Pedro José Ramírez Codina (nacido el 26 de marzo de 1952), ampliamente conocido como Pedro J. Ramírez, es un periodista español. Cuando fue nombrado director de Diario 16 a la edad de 28 años, se convirtió en el director más joven de un periódico nacional en España. En 1989 fundó el diario El Mundo, que dirigió ininterrumpidamente hasta 2014, lo que le convierte en el director más longevo de un periódico nacional español[1][2] Ha colaborado en varios programas de radio y televisión y ha publicado una docena de libros.
De 1975 a 1980 trabajó en el diario ABC, escribiendo la sección dominical de análisis político llamada Crónica de la Semana. El 17 de junio de 1980, con 28 años, fue nombrado director del periódico Diario 16,[3] que entonces apenas vendía 15.000 ejemplares y estaba amenazado de cierre. Sin embargo, en dos años el periódico alcanzó una tirada de 100.000 ejemplares, y cinco años después llegaría a los 150.000, según cifras de la OJD, la Oficina de Verificación de la Circulación.

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Pedro j. ramírez’s video blog: why public opinion?

In other words, you can count on the fingers of one hand the ‘star’ journalists that Pedro J has signed that have not worked at El Mundo. The first signing was Daniel Basteiro, who came from the Huffington Post. The next, Jordi Pérez Colomé, who was a freelance journalist and blogger.
Manuel Sánchez comments in the book that he is a journalist who needs «two and a half pages» to tell a story. «On the Internet, as everything is measured, you know how much time you invest in reading,» he says. «In eight paragraphs, sometimes, you can’t tell things well».
Unidad Editorial has communicated this afternoon by e-mail to the editors of El Mundo that Casimiro García-Abadillo has been dismissed as editor of the newspaper founded by Pedro J. Ramírez. García-Abadillo has directed for 15 months the newspaper founded by Pedro J Ramírez.
It is a paradox that newspapers continue to pay better for collaborations in paper, which has less and less readers, than those published in digital. For a piece in a national newspaper that used to have a large circulation, they can pay between 60 and 100 euros. For the same piece in digital, the journalist receives 25 euros, that is if he is lucky because in some media the custom of paying for collaborations is disappearing.

In moncloa there will be a before and an after, by pedro j. ramírez

His career at the head of Diario 16 was obscured by numerous lawsuits for the insults, falsehoods and slander against him and against the newspaper. The most serious, sentenced by the Supreme Court on October 4, 1993, sentenced him personally to imprisonment and disqualification from practicing journalism. This sentence was appealed by Pedro J. Ramírez and some of those convicted before the Constitutional Court, which on October 14, 1998 upheld the sentence in its entirety (Second Chamber, sentence 200/1998), denying the protection requested by the journalist.
On June 20, 2002, the main unions called a general strike which was supported by a large part of the staff of El Mundo, and pickets were organized and concentrated around the press, located in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid), trying to prevent the distribution of the print run. The copies were dispatched thanks to police vans, which moved the packages to a safe distribution point.[4] The distribution of the copies was carried out by police vans.

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2017David M. Gershenson, MD Distinguished Professorship for Ovarian Cancer Research, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas1999American Association of Cancer Research Minority Scholar1998Howard C. Taylor, Jr. Premio a la enseñanza de estudiantes de medicina Solan Chao1997Reportero residente del Colegio Americano de Obstetricia y Ginecología1994Diploma con distinción para la investigación en obstetricia y ginecología, Colegio de Medicina Albert Einstein1988Phi Sigma Iota1988Lista del decano, Universidad de Rutgers1986Premio de la beca Ralph DeFalco1986Beca Dr. George Simons Dudley