Manuel prado y colón de carvajal

Manuel prado y colón de carvajal


He also founded the Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción, presided over by Queen Sofía, and was a knight of the Order of Santiago, knight of honor and devotion of the Order of Malta, knight of the Royal Collegiate Body of Noble Sons of Madrid.
«Look: Manolo Prado has been here, he has found out that you were in Kuwait and he has made such a fuss that you can’t even imagine; he has told me that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates are exclusively his and that nobody else but him can negotiate even a barrel, so don’t even think of doing anything like that again».
The economist ends by saying that Juan Carlos I, through his representative and private administrator Manuel Prado, «had the monopoly of our extra supplies during the oil crisis», and that «the Treasury paid for the oil what it said on the invoice, without going into any inquiry, let alone committing the ordinariness of saying that it could be bought cheaper when the procurer was Prado.»[9] The economist also says that «the Treasury paid for the oil what it said on the invoice, without going into any inquiry, let alone committing the ordinariness of saying that it could be bought cheaper when the procurer was Prado.»[10

Borja pradosempresario español

Manuel Prado y Colón de Carvajal (1931 – 5 de diciembre de 2009) fue un diplomático, empresario y político español. Fue administrador del rey Juan Carlos I de España durante más de veinte años[1].
Hijo de un diplomático chileno,[1] nació en Quito, Ecuador, en 1931. Se licenció en Derecho en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en Ciencias Económicas en la London School of Economics. Empresario de profesión, trabajó en los sectores del automóvil, las telecomunicaciones y las finanzas[1]. Fue presidente de la compañía aérea Iberia desde 1976 hasta 1978[1]. También formó parte de los consejos de administración de Infeisa y de WWF/Adena en varios momentos de su carrera[1].
Colón fue condenado a dos años de prisión en 2004 en Sevilla, pero se le concedió la libertad anticipada dos meses después por razones humanitarias[1]. Sin embargo, en 2007 el Tribunal Supremo de España condenó a Colón a un año de prisión por desviar fondos al Grupo Torras[1]. En febrero de 2008 se le impuso una condena adicional de tres meses en el caso del Gran Tibidabo[1].

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Borja prado

Among the attendees were numerous businessmen, such as Pedro Antonio Martín Marín, Jaime Ybarra, Miguel Gallego or the businessman of the Real Maestranza Eduardo Canorea, as well as the spokesman of the PP in the City Council of Seville, Juan Ignacio Zoido, and the Sevillian historian and former councilwoman Enriqueta Vila. Also in attendance were the comedian César Cadaval, the bullfighter Rafael Peralta and Ana Maria Abascal, accompanied by her daughter Patricia and her husband.
Prado y Colón de Carvajal was also president of the Provincial Union of Employers of the Provincial Union of Madrid, honorary vice-president of the National Metal Union and member of the National Council of Employers.
He also founded the Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD), chaired by Queen Sofía, and is a Knight of the Military Order of Santiago, Knight of Honor and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Knight of the Royal Collegiate Body of Noblemen of the Nobility of Madrid.
Among the decorations obtained throughout his life, he was awarded the Grand Cross of Aeronautical Merit, the Grand Cross of Naval Merit, Commander of the Legion of Honor of France, Royal Order of Abdul Assisi of Saudi Arabia.


He also founded the Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción, chaired by Queen Sofía, and was a knight of the Order of Santiago, knight of honor and devotion of the Order of Malta, knight of the Royal Collegiate Body of Noble Sons of the Nobility of Madrid.
He ends by saying that Juan Carlos I, through his representative and private administrator Manuel de Prado, «had the monopoly of our extra supplies during the oil crisis», and that «the Treasury paid for the oil what he put on the invoice, without going into any inquiry, let alone committing the ordinariness of saying that it could be bought cheaper when the procurer was Prado.»[9]