Jorge verstrynge eric verstrynge

Fernando sánchez dragó

She is currently in charge of Ecological Transition in Podemos and is waiting for the formation of the Podemos parliamentary group in the Assembly of Madrid to offer her an advisory position.
The marriage between Jorge Verstrynge and Mercedes Revuelta, who had been a member of the New Generations of the PP during her youth, was celebrated in Ezcaray because Mercedes’ father, professor Gervasio Revuelta, lived there at the time. Mercedes is the youngest of 10 siblings and a close friend of the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, whom she met when she was a militant in the PAH. For a long time, wherever there was an eviction it was easy to find Mercedes Revuelta in the street supporting, giving her opinion on television programs or shouting in demonstrations.
But how did Pablo Iglesias and Jorge Verstrynge meet? The current second vice president was a professor in the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid from 2003 to 2014, when Podemos was founded. Many people argue that it was Jorge Verstrynge who prompted his entry as an associate professor at the University. In fact, Verstrynge privately admits that Pablo Iglesias is the best student he ever had.

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Jorge Verstrynge Rojas, born in Tangier in 1948, has already retired as a professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid and, despite himself, is back in the news. In the middle of a life spent in politics, from sympathy for the extreme right in his youth to become the main supporter of Pablo Iglesias and father of Lilith, one of the main advisors of the vice-president, with whom some even relate her at a sentimental level, although without proof.
From his time as secretary general of AP, he has a friendship with his former secretary, Rosalía Iglesias, who would become the wife of Luis Bárcenas. It was Ángel Sanchis, former treasurer of AP who recommended the hiring of Rosalía as Verstrynge’s secretary. With Rosalía he still has a great friendship and even invited the Bárcenas-Iglesias couple to dinner at his home, but he does not declare himself a friend of Luis Bárcenas.
In 1986 the party, actually Manuel Fraga, dismissed Verstrynge because of the poor electoral results against the PSOE of Felipe Gonzalez, who swept for three consecutive legislatures. He was replaced by Alberto Ruiz Gallardón on an interim basis. After leaving AP, he founded Renovación Democrática and joined the mixed group in Congress. The party ended up choosing a gray Antonio Hernández Mancha to replace him definitively, but Verstrynge did not resign his deputy’s seat until the end of his legislature in 1989. In the municipal elections of May 1983 he ran against Enrique Tierno Galván, scoring only 11 points less than his socialist rival in those elections.

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Jorge verstrynge eric verstrynge del momento

Jorge Verstrynge Rojas (nacido en 1948) es un ex político, activista y politólogo español, profesor de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid[2], cercano a los movimientos neofascistas en su juventud y Secretario General de Alianza Popular en los años ochenta, experimentó a lo largo de su carrera política un giro ideológico hacia posiciones de izquierda[3].
Nacido el 22 de septiembre de 1948 en Tánger,[2] es hijo de madre española y padre belga, Willy Verstrynge-Thalloen, seguidor de Léon Degrelle durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial[4][1] Durante su juventud en Marruecos y Argelia también recibió la influencia de su padrastro, un comunista francés llamado René Mazel. [Se trasladó de Francia a España para terminar sus estudios secundarios y entrar en la Universidad[5]. Se convirtió en uno de los defensores de las ideas de la Nouvelle Droite dentro de Alianza Popular (AP)[6].
Secretario general de AP de 1979 a 1986,[2] fue considerado el protegido de Manuel Fraga, líder del partido. También fue, dentro de Alianza Popular, uno de los promotores del Club del Sable[9].

Jorge verstrynge eric verstrynge 2021

Head of the list of the coalition between Alianza Popular, the Partido Demócrata Popular and the Unión Liberal (AP-PDP-UL) for the municipal elections of May 1983 in Madrid, the candidacy obtained in the elections 11 percentage points less than the PSOE candidacy headed by Enrique Tierno, who won the absolute majority. Verstrynge preferred to continue as a deputy.[8] He was forced to resign due to the fact that he had been forced to resign by the PSOE.
After being forced to resign due to his confrontation with Manuel Fraga on September 1, 1986,[9] he left Alianza Popular and founded his own party, Renovación Democrática, which became part of the Mixed Group in Congress.
In 1999 he published an autobiography entitled Memorias de un maldito, in which despite his «sincerity» he is criticized for being these memoirs «weighed down by a subjectivism» characterized «by a radical anti-system attitude.»[12] In May 2012 he was one of those evicted by the National Police from a squatted social center in Madrid. [11] In March 2013 he participated in an escrache called by the Platform of People Affected by the Mortgage (PAH) in front of the personal home of the Vice President of the Government Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, of the Popular Party. [13] Finally, a judge in Madrid dismissed the complaint as he did not see any crime in the escrache carried out at the home of the vice-president.[14][15] In 2013 he published Contra quienes luchares, a work that Jon Juaristi called «revolutionary self-help pamphlet» and «lazy thesis with an accumulation of quotes.»[16]