El peiodico de aragon

El peiodico de aragon

zaragoza noticias

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El Periódico de Aragón es un diario aragonés, fundado en Zaragoza, el 23 de octubre de 1990 por Juancho Dumall. Está editado por el Grupo Zeta y cuya información se centra principalmente en la Sección Aragón, Opinión y Deportes.
El Periódico de Aragón nació el 23 de octubre de 1990 y pronto comenzó a consolidarse como el segundo periódico de la comunidad, sólo por detrás del Heraldo de Aragón. En 1997 abrió unas instalaciones en el centro del Periódico de Aragón en la calle Hernán Cortés de Zaragoza.
El actual director del periódico es Jaime Armengol, que sustituyó en 2003 a Miguel Ángel Liso, director desde 1992. Este sustituyó a Juancho Dumall (principal responsable del periódico). De tendencia progresista y totalmente independiente, emplea a unas 100 personas, de las cuales unas 45 están en la redacción.

heraldo de aragón

From the week of February 1st we start a new collaboration with El Periódico de Aragón and its new section on the daily back page «Saber + con la Historia». Each week we will publish several articles on History where we will recall various events of the past to learn more about where we come from and why the world today is the way it is.
We will also review the daily ephemeris and relate them to current events, putting them in context in the past but also in the present and the future. We look forward to seeing you in this new adventure with which we want to understand more about the society that surrounds us through our history.

aragón digital

ENRIKE GARCÍA FRANCÉSENRIKE GARCÍA FRANCÉSWho were the Sons of the Night? This weekend, after a forced break, the II Walk of ‘Paths of Freedom’ will leave from Fuendetodos to the neighborhood of Torrero, emulating the route made by the guerrillas who infiltrated in Zaragoza to help neighbors to get out of the fascist encirclement. But, who were these guerrillas?ENRIKE GARCÍA FRANCÉS2 October, 2021, 07:00
RelatedThe Taliban is an illegitimate political reality and will lead Afghanistan to disintegrationThere is no doubt that the Taliban regime is representative of an ethnicity and this will transform Afghanistan into another YugoslaviaABDUL NASER NOORZAD30 September, 2021, 10:360 108

el país

The award in the Media category, the Solidarity Award goes to the section ‘Te lo contamos fácil’, of ‘El Periódico de Aragón’, through which a team of experts in intellectual disabilities, validates the information before publishing it to make it accessible to these people and others, such as the elderly, immigrants and people with comprehension difficulties.
Juan Ignacio Vela Caudevilla received the award in the category of Physical Person. This Franciscan friar of the White Cross has dedicated his life to helping others, living in community with the most disadvantaged groups. He has the ability to see and identify the needs of society, of vulnerable people and/or those at risk of exclusion, creating a way to respond to them.

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