Alberto edjogoowono


Ex futbolista e internacional con la Selección de Guinea Ecuatorial, ex redactor deportivo en Masliga, analista y comentarista deportivo en GOL TV, Radio Marca y BeIN Sport y ahora también escritor, hoy hablamos con Alberto Edjogo-Owono.
P.- Hablemos de su libro «Indomable: Cuadernos del fútbol africano». Para la mayoría de la sociedad española África es un continente prácticamente desconocido, ¿cómo surgió la idea?
P.- África es un continente con una rica tradición cultural que sirve de fuente de sabiduría ancestral, como se refleja en cada capítulo de su libro ¿cree que nuestra mentalidad puede encajar en el pensamiento europeo?
P.- Salvo que se diga lo contrario, no conocemos a ningún entrenador de origen africano en las grandes ligas europeas. Sin embargo, ¿cree que se debe al tópico, que desmiente la realidad de tantos grandes jugadores procedentes de países africanos, de que en el fútbol africano se carece de táctica y técnica, y sólo se valora la condición física?

Guinea ecuatorial clasificación fifa

Gauzak ez dira berez gertatzen: hemen, auzia ez da dena ondo doala eta, bat-batean, inork espero ez duelarik, zerbait gertatzen dela. Alderantziz, Alvesi gertatutakoa huskeria da maila apalagoko zelaietan igandero pasatzen denarekin alderatuta, eta gogoeta egin beharko genuke arrazoien inguruan.
Badirudi futbol zelaietan, bai Lehenengo Mailakoetan eta bai Hirugarren Mailakoetan, dena dela libre. Entrenatzaile bati heriotza opa, jokalari baten emaztea larriki iraindu, edo jokalari beltz bati tximu deitzea; hargatik, inolako arrazoirik gabe. Dena dago baimenduta. Eta arazoaren erroetara joan beharrean, badirudi irtenbidea dela jokalariari esatea ez dela hainbesterako eta horrelakoak jasan behar dituela.
Niri gustatu egin zitzaidan, horrekin adierazi zuelako hori ez duela iraintzat hartzen. Beltz bati bere kolorean oinarritutako laidoak botatzea ez da beltzarentzat umiliagarri edo iraingarria: beltzak gutxien nahi duena da zuria izatea, pozik dago bere arraza dela eta. Seguru asko, horrela irain egiten duena ez da hain pozik egongo den bezalakoa izanik.

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Society has a longer history on the issue of racism, especially because of the colonies. But today there is another generation there, they are not only migrants and children of migrants, and that makes there is a greater awareness. And of course, there, insults of this type are punishable by 10 or 12 matches, as happened with Luis Suarez when he insulted Patrice Evra. There the sanctions are exemplary, there are no half measures, they have strong measures. I also think it has to do with the fact that the Premier League comes from a very strong hooligan heritage that has cost dramas and lives.
I think they have changed because now you can get caught quickly. There are cameras everywhere and there is a certain fear of getting caught. I think there are fewer racist insults now than before, but there are still some. However, we are in a country with pre-constitutional flags, people with their arms raised in the street, in Congress… Some people justify them, so the limit is getting wider. The feeling is that it is not that big a deal.

Equatorial guinea africa cup of nations

A) For me an example of a complete striker was Didier Drogba, because he played well from the back, he went to the space on the run, he could play positionally to finish, with both legs, with his head, on the counterattack, he associated well. He was a super complete striker. I also had other references like Samuel Eto’o or Thierry Henry, it is true that these two played better for teams that liked to have the ball, because they were closer to the box, they didn’t have to fight with the center backs, they could start from one side, but as a reference Drogba seemed to me a very complete striker, and he had all the attributes that I like in a striker.
A) Well, the future belongs to them: Mbappé, Haaland, let’s see if Ansu Fati recovers or not, maybe Greenwood of Manchester United or Phil Foden of Manchester City; there are very good players. Mbappé and Haaland have already done important things in the Champions League, maybe this is why they are in the spotlight. I think Haaland has that mentality, that power, that much sought after goal, now he is put a little above Mbappé but it seems to me that Mbappé is more complete, more global, more versatile: he can play up front, on the wing, he gives more solutions. I’ll stay with Mbappé although perhaps in the rankings Haaland is ahead.