Promociones la vanguardia

Promociones la vanguardia

la vanguardia de las compras

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la cobertura de la prensa española de la Fiesta de Sant Jordi, vinculada al patrón de Cataluña. Esta fiesta se celebra cada año el 23 de abril, en Barcelona, Cataluña, España. Para ello, se ha estudiado el periódico español La Vanguardia, edición del 23 de abril de 2017. Es un tabloide creado en 1881 con unas 50 páginas por edición, y dos ediciones diarias, en catalán y en castellano. Tiene una tirada media de 220.000 ejemplares. El análisis demostró la gran importancia y magnitud de la fiesta popular, ya sea por el número de páginas del número analizado -más de 100- o por ser el tema central del periódico en ese día. Lo que buscamos con esta reflexión teórica es entender el significado de la Fiesta de Sant Jordi a partir de su representación mediática. Al contrastar esta publicación con los autores que estudian la prensa, se percibe que existe un consenso en que la Fiesta de Sant Jordi es un hito cultural catalán.
Nuestro objetivo con este artículo es presentar la cobertura de la Fiesta de Sant Jordi realizada por el diario español La Vanguardia el 23 de abril de 2017. Este periódico catalán fue fundado en 1881 y continúa en acción en el siglo XXI, realizando dos ediciones diarias: una en castellano y otra en catalán, con una tirada media de 220 mil ejemplares. Es un periódico tabloide de unas 50 páginas. Para este estudio, hicimos un análisis detallado del periódico -sus textos, imágenes y anuncios- y recogimos datos etnográficos sobre el Festival y su significado simbólico para la ciudad de Barcelona.

epaper at the forefront

Concrete data: There are no more excuses for not analyzing precise consumption data, since digital platforms offer statistics of all kinds, segmented by thousands of variables (from age, gender, geography to consumption behavior). That is why it is key to implement a proactive digital marketing strategy that takes these metrics into account, and analyzes them permanently to know the consumer better and offer products and services according to their profile.
Micro moments: We must strive to use them intelligently, that is, capture the exact moment in which a user pays attention to the brand to arrive with a key message, timely and hyper-personalized. People don’t want to be stunned by brands, they want to be stunned when they want to be stunned. Thanks to geolocation systems and analytical technologies, it is possible to implement very timely and effective actions to captivate the potential customer.
Undoubtedly, this is a propitious moment to develop innovative digital marketing strategies, especially with the potential offered by technology. But be careful, if a Digital Marketing strategy is well targeted, the consumer will be very grateful to the brand and will probably translate it into a purchase. Otherwise, it will become spam.

cutting-edge club

Our teams of software developers and research scientists are developing industry-leading approaches that leverage econometrics, machine learning and economic modeling to increase offer automation, optimize the effectiveness of promotional strategies, reduce errors and minimize promotional abuse. Working closely with business and financial leaders, we are at the forefront of presenting compelling customer offers while increasing visibility into the products and profitability of our businesses.

gourmet the vanguard

The report «Promotion and leadership of women in biomedical research centers» analyzes the female presence in nineteen Catalan research centers and the challenges in terms of gender equality faced by the sector.
The director of the research at AQuAS, Paula Adam, highlighted the importance of the results obtained to understand «the Catalan health research ecosystem» from a gender perspective and to highlight the changes needed to achieve a more egalitarian sector.
Among the centers analyzed are IrsiCaixa, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), the Josep Carreras Institute (IJC), the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research (IMIM).
Women dominate 74% of the front-line professional categories, such as technical assistance, and 55% of the workforce in these centers, but 87% of the top positions are held by men.

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