Macarena olona abogada del estado

Macarena olona abogada del estado

vox españa

Actualizado el domingo 8 de diciembre de 2019 – 22:59 La cara femenina (no feminista) más conocida de Vox es Rocío Monasterio, esposa de Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, uno de los hombres fuertes del partido verde. Sin embargo, la arquitecta y diputada en la Asamblea de Madrid no es la mujer más poderosa de la formación liderada por Santiago Abascal. Ese puesto lo ocupa la abogada del Estado Macarena Olona, portavoz y secretaria general del grupo parlamentario en el Congreso y diputada del partido por Granada. Es la dama de hierro que organiza el Para seguir leyendo, hazte Premium ¿Ya eres Premium? Entrar Mensualmente Oferta de lanzamiento 1€ el primer mes después 7,99€ Lo quiero Descubre qué es Premium Cancela cuando quieras Consulta los términos y condiciones del servicio Según los criterios de The Trust Project Saber más

monasterio wikipedia

Sanchez Garcia refused, so the vice president of Congress, following the rules of the House, proceeded to expel him after calling him to order three times. Both the deputy involved and the rest of Vox parliamentarians were insubordinate before the highest authority of the Lower House in an unprecedented gesture. Since the restoration of democracy in 1975, no one had dared to do so. The other two deputies were expelled from the hemicycle, Vicente Martínez Pujalte (PP), in 2006, and Gabriel Rufián (ERC), in 2018, abided by the decision of the presidency and left the Plenary.
On Tuesday Sánchez García, however, did not get to leave the hemicycle. He counted for not doing so with the support of the spokesman of his group, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, later called to chapter by the president of Congress, Meritxell Batet, who, in a meeting in her office, reminded him of the obligation to abide by the authority of the presidency. All after, in the face of Sánchez García’s refusal, Gómez de Celis decided to suspend the Plenary for ten minutes in which he was seen talking with Sánchez García and the rest of Vox deputies in a sort of negotiation.

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TELECINCOSusana Díaz and Macarena Olona.Ana Rosa Quintana has recovered this Friday its political table. A debate that has been monopolized by Macarena Olona (Vox) and Susana Diaz (PSOE) and in which there have been moments of tension.  The presenter has put on the table the issue of raising the minimum wage, an agreement that has been reached without the support of employers. For the former president of Andalusia, this increase of 15 euros is necessary and a relief for the citizens who need it most.  «The wage increase is fair. We have all overcome that competing with low wages is not the way. I believe that at 15 euros no one is going to consider not hiring another person,» said Diaz.
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