La viz de cadiz

La viz de cadiz

Diario de cádiz

Prácticamente desde su primer día, La Voz de Cádiz ha sido líder en el mercado informativo de la ciudad gracias a su apuesta por lo digital, al mismo tiempo que mantiene su edición impresa. Está en primera línea de la sociedad gaditana y es el líder digital de la provincia.
Licenciado en Informática por la Universidad de Deusto, MBA por la EOI y PDD por el IESE. Actualmente es Director General de la división Global Business Services de IBM para España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel.
A lo largo de su carrera profesional en IBM, ha desempeñado diversos cargos ejecutivos, siendo Director General de la división Global Technology Services en Oriente Medio y África (2016-2018), Country Manager de IBM en Turquía (2013-2015), y anteriormente como Director del sector Telco & Media para Europa Central y del Este, y como Director del Sector Público para España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel.
En 2001 asumió la responsabilidad de la Dirección General Corporativa de Occidental Hotels & Resorts, un grupo hotelero internacional, donde estuvo a cargo de las finanzas, la administración, el control de gestión, los sistemas de información y los recursos humanos.

La voz de galicia

La Voz de Cádiz was launched in September 2004, becoming the first editorial project launched by Vocento in the 21st century. Initially, it had an edition for the capital and the Bay, with a provincial scope of distribution. In 2006, the newspaper La Voz de Jerez was launched, focusing its content on Jerez and its region.
Within this multimedia strategy, Corporación de Medios de Cádiz S.L.U had launched, integrated in the same newspaper, the broadcasts of Punto Radio Cádiz, on 93.6 FM. This was cancelled in November 2011, broadcasting only the national channel.

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La Voz de Cadiz Digital sl is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Cadiz. The share capital of this company is in the range of 10.001 – 50.000€, with a number of employees between 1 and 10 and a sales amount between 250.001 and 750.000€. It has 5 historical corporate bodies.
Users who viewed La Voz de Cadiz Digital sl also viewed these companiesSociedadMunicipioProvincia Diario Abc sl Madrid Madrid Coastrider sl Torrevieja Alicante Negocio & Estilo de Vida sa en Liquidacion Madrid Madrid Unidad Editorial Informacion General sl Madrid Madrid Madrid Tabor Geriatria y Sanidad Sociedad Limitada Zaragoza Zaragoza Zaragoza Sectors that have viewed the company La Voz de Cadiz Digital slSectores 2016 (3)
Total (5) TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1 0 1 OTHER SECTORS 0 2 2 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1 0 1 ASSOCIATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS, POLITICAL PARTIES 1 0 1 Other companies and freelancers related to La Voz de Cadiz Digital sl.

Newspaper of sevilla

Perhaps it is the low demand for newspapers in paper version, it is clear that many of us have replaced it by the digital version, so the promotions or gifts that conventional newspapers make, are increasingly studied.
On several occasions they have been dedicated to gastronomy, but generally they have been based on recipes or cookbooks. Now, the readers of La Voz de Cádiz and Jerez, have a new promotion that will begin on Sunday, with which they can get the Chef PRO knife set.