Influence in or on

Influence in or on

Influence in english

Power can be defined as the ability or potential to influence others and resist their influence (Michener and Suchner, 1972). The difference between influence and power is that influence actually changes the behavior of another person, while power is the ability to bring about such a change. For example, a boss has a lot of power (potential to change behavior) over his or her subordinate, but some bosses exercise this power (influence) more than others.
Possession of power reduces the ability and desire to adequately process information about subordinates. By controlling resources, the powerful do not depend on them, so they tend to resort to stereotypes (simplified and biased judgments of others) to form their impressions. This can lead to racial or gender discrimination against subordinates.
People who do not have power, on the other hand, pay close attention to individualized information from those who control their destiny, probably to enhance their perceptions of control and their ability to predict certain outcomes.


La conducta alimentaria implica todas las acciones que definen la relación del ser humano con la comida. Se acepta que los hábitos alimentarios se adquieren a través de las experiencias y prácticas alimentarias aprendidas del contexto familiar y social en la primera infancia. Además del papel del contexto social, también se asume que los factores familiares, tanto el entorno familiar común como la herencia genética, tienen una importante influencia en la ingesta de alimentos y la conducta alimentaria vinculada a la obesidad infantil. La investigación sobre la ingesta de alimentos y la obesidad infantil se ha centrado tradicionalmente en la cantidad y el tipo de alimentos de la dieta habitual. Sin embargo, cada vez es más interesante comprender la relación entre el comportamiento alimentario y la obesidad mediante cuestionarios. Existen varias herramientas psicométricas que se han desarrollado específicamente para tratar el comportamiento alimentario humano. Esta revisión resume las influencias familiares, tanto genéticas como no genéticas, en la conducta alimentaria infantil y su relación con la obesidad infantil.

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As leaders, we do a lot. We inspire. We mediate. We decide. We lead. In addition, we do countless other things as part of a workday. Along with all of this, however, we have another job-one that is sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle-that is always part of what we are doing. This job is to influence other people.
Influence is the ability to persuade someone to think or act the way you want them to. This skill is an essential part of leadership. After all, someone who cannot convince people about things is not a leader-no one follows. Therefore, to be effective, it is important for a leader to understand what influence is. In this way, he or she can use this knowledge to be more skillful and get things done.
Influencing people is something leaders do on many levels with many different people. We all try to influence in different ways almost everyone we meet-we try to convince people to like us or to leave us alone, to sign our petition or to think about the education system. Here are some other things a leader can try to convince people of:

Meaning of influence

A science is a body of knowledge obtained by observation and reasoning, systematically structured and from which general principles and laws with predictive and experimentally testable capacity are deduced.
The wonderful thing about influence is that it is unpredictable. The fact that a stimulus influences a subject conditions that subject’s behavior the next time he or she is exposed to that same stimulus by varying the nature of the influence.
This is probably the reason why we are afraid to propose models, methodologies and work schemes and this generates a lack of habit of reflecting and going deeper into things, which ends up making us act on the basis of generalizations.
Engagement, virality, purpose… are terms that we have superficialized to such an extent that they mean so many things that they no longer mean anything. It’s like when a teenager says to you «I’m cracked». You don’t know if he’s worried about his grades, frustrated because the girl he likes doesn’t pay attention to him, or angry with you because you don’t make time for him. By using the same term for a multitude of nuances, he loses the ability to communicate and may even end up depriving himself of understanding what he is feeling.