Blog de jose carlos diez
Daniel lacalle vs josé c. díez (head to head 1 – bankinter blog)
This weekend I participated in Repueblo in Baena. A town of 20,000 inhabitants in the middle of the heart of Andalusia and the sea of olive trees. The town has lost 10% of its population since 2007 and the objective is to analyze plans and ideas to stop depopulation. 1. The problem in rural areas is the shortage of entrepreneurs with profitable projects in the age of global technology Continue Reading
103239 followersThe normal citizen who neither follows nor understands the stock market will think that what I am saying here (and the future of the Ibex 35) n… 19, 2021@6Apolo France, sweden… have much higher productivity and higher taxation.octubre 19, 2021
Spain: the worst developed economy in 2020, according to the imf.
Now that time has become uniform in this kind of non-life, approaching what the plague has stolen from me is vitamin, like the sun. I reflect on painting an iconic place in my life, as a ground zero of emotions. Bringing it to life on a board is a kind of rebirth, because it always seems to me that the world has just begun. It is a desire for the days to become different. And it is, above all, a conscious exercise of encounter with the homeland.
Article on the materialization in art of the inner world born of the metamorphosis that the outer world undergoes in us. We live the craftsmanship that takes place in the studio as a religion, as a kind of ecstasy by which we become the same passages that we have been unveiling with our tools and our materials.
Reference to the influence of the History of Art book of COU of 1983, of the publishing house Anaya. Also to the Dutch painting of the seventeenth century, reflected in the catalog of the Thyssen Museum by Peter C. Sutton. Reflections on art, purchasing power and the little culture that exists for the purchase of art.
José carlos díez – good news from europe
In addition to being unfounded, Díez’s judgment (if the commentary deserves this name) is irresponsible: who, in his right mind, can say that what a government should do, in the midst of an epidemic that is forcing the closure of economic activities all over the world, is to cut spending?
The proof that cutting spending is irresponsible is that not a single government in advanced countries has done so, nor has a single institution, authority or international organization proposed it.
In the midst of a health emergency, an intelligent and responsible person speaks as Angela Merkel did: «We will do what is necessary to overcome this situation. And then we will see what this means for our budget.» An irresponsible person with no knowledge of economics says what Díez has said, that spending must be cut.
And, of course, all this does not mean that we should not review the spending of our administrations. We must take the opportunity to audit, to detect the unnecessary and to put an end to the waste that sometimes occurs, to increase controls and to be always austere, in the true sense of the expression, when using common resources. It is also necessary to think about the other side of the budget, of which Díez does not speak. To limit oneself to cutting expenses to balance the budget, as he preaches, is as intelligent a solution for an economy in crisis due to a health emergency, as killing the sick person to reduce his fever. A real barbarity. We must also look at the other side, the revenue side. Not to increase the general tax burden, but to lower it, so that we all pay according to our capacity and not according to our privilege.
Spain is systematically failing to comply with the reduction of the
Behind the scenes, the Andalusian president Susana Diaz continues to prepare the team with which she will possibly land in Ferraz if the forecasts that place her as the next secretary general of the PSOE are fulfilled. In the economic section, it seems that Susana Díaz’s top advisor will be José Carlos Díez, a popular economist known for his collaborations in different media. Apparently, the relationship goes back to a call that the Andalusian politician made to the economist after reading his book ‘There is life after the crisis’.