Base de precios junta de andalucia

Base de precios junta de andalucia

Consejería de fomento junta de andalucia

302 VACANCIES FOR 2021!!! OEP 2020+2019Whether you are going to start preparing for these competitive examinations or you are already studying them, below, we inform you of the new calls for 2021 as well as the current status of the 2019 call.
In the Governing Council of September 14, the OEP 2021 of the Junta de Andalucía was approved with 2,605 vacancies, of which 1,566 are open access and 1,039 are for internal promotion. In a few days we will see it in the BOJA.We already have 457 vacancies of the OEP 2019, 2020 and 2021 pending to be called.
Although the requirements that are required to be part of this Corps are simple and accessible, it is important that you take a look and check that you meet all of them. Also, remember that it is essential that you meet all of them before the registration deadline of the call you are applying for.
In general, the main functions that will occupy your time as a clerk in the Andalusian administration will be to carry out tasks of control and monitoring of the established processes, depending on the area in which you work, through the use and management of office automation programs.

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ALL STUDENTS MUST APPLY FOR RESIDENCE AID (SCHOLARSHIP) in the general call for Scholarships and study aids that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports makes for each course, the amount of which coincides with the price of the service.
– Students without a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, which are fully subsidized by the Ministry of Education based on their economic situation (It is essential to have applied for a scholarship and meet the economic requirements of the call to be eligible for a subsidy).
– Students with scholarships and study aids granted by the Ministry of Education (The amount of the Residence Scholarship is 1.600,00 €, similar to the cost of the service, so it must always be requested).
– Students who have not obtained a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, in the amount in which they have been subsidized or not by the Department of Education (It is essential to have applied for a scholarship and meet the economic requirements of the call to qualify for a subsidy).

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Decree-Law 3/2021, of February 16, adopting measures for administrative streamlining and rationalization of resources to promote recovery and resilience in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
The expected effect of this injection of funds of an unprecedented dimension and very concentrated in time (there is an obligation for the expenditure commitments financed with these mechanisms to be formalized between 2021 and 2023 in some cases and until 2026 in others) has been assessed by different institutions, which foresee an average contribution to growth of around 2% of GDP, which will be a definitive boost to recover the levels of wealth prior to the pandemic in the shortest possible time.
Although their quantitative impact is very notable, the real return we should expect from the mechanisms is the opportunity they offer the Andalusian economy to advance in the transformations set in motion to modernize our productive fabric, simultaneously facilitating the ecological and digital transitions. The funds are primarily aimed at developing social and economic infrastructures and strengthening human capital in a future that will be green and digital. It can therefore be said that the real value of these mechanisms, beyond their contribution to the recovery of activity once the pandemic is over, will be the boost to the economy’s potential GDP and, consequently, to sustainable, job-creating growth in the medium and long term.

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We are going to launch two courses for the preparation, on the one hand, of the State Administrative Assistants’ syllabus both for the call for TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT STABILIZATION and for the FREE ENTRY.
We intend to launch (at the beginning of April) a preparation course for the University of Cadiz. In the following link you can download the informative document. In it you will find the link for the registration form:
We intend to launch in a few weeks (in late March or early April) a preparation course for the Provincial Council of Cadiz. In the following link you can download the informative document. In it you will find the link for the registration form:
The information for the City Council course you can get in the link a little further down. If you are interested in the courses of the State or the Junta de Andalucía, both Auxiliar Administrativo and Administrativo, you can click on the following link: