Jose luis de frutos

interview with josé luis sebastián de frutos, president of the

As a competitor he lived through the era of the Soviet judokas in which De Frutos had many confrontations, especially in the European Championships, in which unfortunately he never made it to the podium.
He participated in the Montreal Olympic Games (1976), and although he did not reach the podium after losing the bronze medal to the Yugoslavian Obadov, he qualified in 5th place after defeating three important competitors: the Icelandic Vidar Gudjohnsen with tate-siho-gatame, the Venezuelan Walter Huber also with the same immobilization, and in the repechage, the Turkish Suheyl Yesilnur with okuri-eri-jime.
Jose Luis De Frutos had a very strong o-soto-gake, a very powerful uchi-mata and a fluid and effective harai-goshi, techniques that allowed him to win many of the disputed bouts. If all this failed, he would then switch to ground judo, something that for him had no secrets. Famous for being a specialist in this modality, he had a great mastery of all the immobilizations and especially tate-siho-gatame, which was always his favorite technique.

Jose luis de frutos 2022

Jose luis de frutos online

sadje dežele, josé luis rivera

Kot tekmovalec je preživel obdobje sovjetskih judoistov, v katerem se je José Luis večkrat pomeril, zlasti na evropskih prvenstvih, na katerih pa žal nikoli ni prišel na stopničke.
José Luis je imel zelo močan O-Soto-Gake, zelo močan Uchi-mata ter tekoč in učinkovit Harai-goshi, tehnike, ki so mu omogočile zmago v številnih spornih dvobojih. Če mu to ne bi uspelo, bi se lotil judo na tleh, ki zanj ni imel skrivnosti. Znan je bil kot specialist za to metodo, saj je odlično obvladal vse imobilizacije, zlasti pa tehniko Tate-Siho-Gatame, ki je bila vedno njegova najljubša tehnika.

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