The daily stormer manada
Los audios de la manada antes y después de abusar
The Daily Stormer es un sitio web de extrema derecha, neonazi, supremacista blanco, misógino y de comentarios y mensajes sobre la negación del Holocausto que aboga por un segundo genocidio de los judíos[1][2][3][4][5] Se considera a sí mismo parte del movimiento alt-right. [6] Su editor, Andrew Anglin, lo fundó el 4 de julio de 2013, como un reemplazo más rápido de su anterior sitio web Fascismo Total, que se había centrado en sus propios ensayos de larga duración sobre el fascismo, la raza y las teorías de conspiración antisemita. En cambio, The Daily Stormer se basa en gran medida en material citado con titulares exagerados[7].
El sitio es conocido por su uso de memes de Internet, que han sido comparados con el tablero de imágenes 4chan y citados como atractivos para una audiencia más joven y diversa ideológicamente[8] Mientras que algunos autores nacionalistas blancos han elogiado el alcance de The Daily Stormer, otros han discrepado con su contenido y tono, acusando a Anglin de ser un agente provocador, utilizado para desacreditar el verdadero nacionalismo blanco[9].
El Daily Stormer orquesta lo que llama el «Ejército de Trolls», que se dedica a trollear en Internet a figuras con las que Anglin no está de acuerdo políticamente. En agosto de 2017, tras causar indignación al insultar a la víctima de un homicidio por atropello en el mitin de extrema derecha Unite the Right, el sitio web fue rechazado por varios registradores de dominios[10][11][12][13][14] En agosto de 2019, el sitio se desconectó temporalmente cuando su proveedor de servicios, BitMitigate, fue cortado por su proveedor de infraestructura en la nube; el sitio encontró otro proveedor[15].
The daily stormer manada online
I am starting to get tired of you giving so much hype to the subject (and with so much hype, I refer exclusively to the topics that are made about the victim). I did not publish it with that intention, if you think it is better to delete it, I do it and whoever wants to know more should ask me by PM, besides those videos and statements were already leaked by the media days ago. But really the less diffusion is given to such comments, because I do not plan to catalog that article, it will be better.
The daily stormer manada 2022
«The victim of the pack is an undesirable fat woman who denounced out of spite». This was the title of a text on the website of a certain José González, probably a pseudonym, in which he continuously insulted the young woman with an intentionally sexist language and where he went so far as to say that «spreading the identity of this bitch is a duty and obligation of citizenship».
Just a few hours after learning of the arrests that took place last Thursday El Daily Stormer published an article, signed by Fernando Guerra, in which he claimed not to know the young people arrested, going so far as to joke. «Could it be that I am one of them, and I am writing this ‘demonstration of hate’ from police custody, with a cell phone that I hid in an orifice of my body?».
Anti-fascism has given a good account of many fascist events that have not been held due to the boycott of activists. This causes certain liberal sectors to condemn antifascism for curtailing the supposed right to freedom of expression, even if it is based on the continuous attack on other groups. They claim that the mere fact of confronting these fascist groups makes them bigger.
The daily stormer manada del momento
«I’ve been told, ‘You really should have died in the Holocaust with the rest of your people,'» Gersh told The Guardian in a 2017 interview. «Sometimes when I answered the phone, all I heard was gunshots,» she added. The woman had to quit her job for fear of being attacked by someone who might present himself as a real estate client. After months of suffering, she decided to file a lawsuit against Anglin.
However, even if Christensen signs off on Lynch’s decisions, Gersh could be left without her compensation if Anglin continues to remain out of reach of U.S. authorities, as she claims to live outside the U.S. and already failed to appear in court in April. His lawyers dropped the case after he failed to appear.
«No one should be terrorized for simply being who they are,» Gersh said in a statement. «This lawsuit has always been about preventing others from suffering the terror I continue to live through at the hands of a neo-Nazi and his followers.»