Os vellos non deben namorarse resumen

Alfonso daniel rodríguez castelaospolítico español

O meu querido Castelao segue sen decepcionarme nunca. Esta obra debería ser de lectura obrigatoria para todo vello verde (co debido respeto a don Saturio, o fidalgo Ramón e o vello Fuco) que ande atrás das mozas novas. Tanto Lela, a querida do boticario Saturio; coma Micaela, a querida do fidalgo Ramón; coma Pimpinela, a querida do indiano Fuco; deixáronse guiar polos cartos dos seus pretendentes, ou no caso de Pimpinela sucumbiu ó que lle dixeron seus pais, e pola paixón cega deles e pola cobiza
Clásico imprescindible de la literatura gallega. Como ben di o título é unha farsa entre lances na que se demonstra que os vellos non devem namorarse. Tres formas diferentes de contar un mismo drama. El mellor el epílogo que es ben gracioso.
Una obra bastante divertida que conocí gracias a que la representé en una asignatura de la carrera. Si bien es cierto que no soy gallega y, por tanto, la leí en castellano y creo que pierde bastante el humor y dobles sentidos que sí se aprecian en su lengua original.

Os vellos non deben namorarse summary

Os vellos non deben de namorarse (Spanish: Los viejos no se deben de enamorarse) is one of the most popular plays of Galician theater. The play was written «for the royalty of the Galician people» by the writer Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao, in New York City (United States), as a remedy to «kill the hours of nostalgia».
The play, written with the conviction that the redundant -a recurrent and popular resource in Galician literature- has great expressive value, was directed in its first performance by Castelao himself, who was also in charge of the scenography. The repetitive character of Los viejos no deben enamorarse is based on the fact that it is a trilogy, composed of three versions (lances), framed between a prologue and an epilogue of the same dramatic scheme.

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Castelao artist

The play was performed for the first time in Galicia at the Festas do Apóstolo Santiago in 1961, at the Quintana Square[3] The play, represented by Cantigas e Agarimos, was directed by Rodolfo López-Veiga, and the scenery was made by Ánxel Morón. After the performance, the play was taken to Pontevedra, Vilagarcía de Arousa and Lugo during the San Froilán festivities.
The casts present three visions of the same drama: in each one there is a young man in love with a girl, and a boy who rivals him. In all the scenes, death also appears as a character that warns the hair of the dramatic consequences of his falling in love.
Castelao defined this work as «a work imagined by a painter and not by a writer». In this way he wanted to show the importance he gave to the scenographic artifices (lighting, costumes, scenery, etc.) through which he modernized the Galician theater of his time[4].
Such is the mismatch between the sets and the rest, that in the words of Ricardo Carballo Calero Os vellos non deben de namorarse is a title that corresponds in reality to the epilogue. The sets should rather be titled Os vellos namóranse [7].

Os vellos non deben namorarse resumen del momento

The theater days will open on May 17, at 20.00 hours, with an opening gala and free admission, presented by the writer Ofir Enríquez Noya ruesa. In addition, there will be a documentary commemorating the 25th anniversary of the group A Ruada, which will stage the first play they took to the stage, «Os vellos non deben namorarse», and with the actors who founded the group.
On Friday, June 3, at 8 p.m., «Mari Calvo, de Vilamartín» will perform the play «Comochoconto» and on June 4, the turn will be for La Caja de Pandora de Verín with «Sempre nos quedará Venecia».