La voz de asturiases

8:13ed sheeran – i see fire (noah sam honegger vs. marvin scondo …the voice of germany – offiziellyoutube – 19 nov 2020

Miguel Angel Asturias is one of America’s most notable writers. His novel El Senor Presidente set the literary archetype of the Latin American dictator. His Trilogia bananera narrates the abuses of foreign capital. His life includes singular paradoxes. A genuine voice of his homeland, he lived outside of it for many years. He had a paternalistic position towards the Indian in his homeland, and it was in Europe that he embraced his roots and translated the Popol Vuh. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature, the highest award of Western culture, and at the same time, the Mayas honored him as their spokesman. And above all, to sing to the man of corn, Asturias took the language of the conqueror, made it his own and returned it sonorous, vital, enriched.

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His risky staging, considering that in Australia it is not a well-known song, led the young man to explain through his social networks that the song he had played was the anthem of Asturias: «It is a love song and compares the love of a young man for his homeland with the innocent love of that young man with a beautiful young brunette».
Among the hundreds of comments received congratulating Oskar for his performance were from many Asturians, many of whom said they were touched by the gesture to their grandmother and her origins.

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Graciano García ha sido el promotor de empresas culturales y periodísticas pioneras en Asturias comprometidas con la lucha por la libertad. En 1989 fundó Ediciones Nobel, que desde sus inicios ha publicado obras de gran valor y riqueza cultural. Actualmente centrada en el mercado europeo y latinoamericano, Nobel cuenta con oficinas en varios países. Gracias a su iniciativa, en 1996 se creó la revista literaria Clarín, una de las más importantes de la especialidad, y galardonada con el Premio Internacional de Ensayo «Jovellanos», uno de los más prestigiosos en lengua española, que se concede anualmente desde 1994. El objetivo de este galardón es distinguir trabajos originales e inéditos que supongan una aportación significativa en los campos del pensamiento, las humanidades o las ciencias sociales y naturales, por parte de autores de cualquier país. El premio se instituyó en el 250 aniversario del nacimiento de Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos. Además, con motivo del 20º aniversario de este premio, Graciano García impulsó la creación del «Premio Internacional de Poesía Jovellanos. El mejor poema del mundo».

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Proy, maybe because of nerves, skipped a verse, but he passed the blind auditions. We forgive him for this oversight, because it brought a tear to our eye. It takes a lot of courage to learn the well-known song and sing it on the other side of the world to pay homage to a grandmother, the most sacred thing a person can have. Bravo to you, Oskar.
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