Javier lopez madrid letizia

the 12 exits of tone of queen letizia ortiz

The PSOE government reacted quickly by creating a special commission. This working group was headed by Pedro Sánchez, president of the government, together with Carmen Calvo, vice-president, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, minister of the Interior and Félix Sanz Roldán, then supreme head of the CNI.
On October 15, 2014, the businessman’s cell phone registered the following message from his contact «Ltzia»: «I wrote to you when the article about the cards came out in the LOC shit and you know what I think Javier. We know who you are, you know who we are. We know each other, we love each other, we respect each other. The rest, merde. A kiss compiyogui (miss you!!!!)». The queen and Lopez Madrid coincided in yoga classes.
Villarejo has always denied being the doctor’s aggressor, although he did acknowledge having coincided with López Madrid: «He was very heavy, but I put up with him in case there was a risk to the Royal House», said the excomisario before the investigating judge of the case who questioned him.
Today, Jose Manuel Villarejo is also accused of money laundering, criminal organization and bribery. The «compiyogui» as he is known in royal circles was sentenced to six months in prison for the case of the black cards of Cajamadrid, the same one who has served as an introducer of Felipe VI with whom today is his great and perfect host in his private vacation in the Caribbean Sea.

javier lópez madrid to his doctor: «we will finish you. you and

Son-in-law of Juan Villar Mir and former director of OHL, his name reached the front pages of the newspapers and the opening of the news when he received this message from Queen Letizia: «I wrote to you when the article about the cards in the LOC shit came out and you know what I think, Javier. We know who you are, you know who we are. We know each other, we love each other, we respect each other. The rest, merde. A kiss compi yogi (miss you!!)».
Lopez Madrid and his wife, Silvia Villar-Mir, are close friends of Felipe VI and the queen. The two women used to do yoga at the businessman’s house, hence the nickname that has characterized him for almost five years: «compi yogi».
López Madrid’s history of scandals is long. He was sentenced for the case of Bankia’s black cards to six months in prison, which he commuted to a fine of 7,120 euros. He had paid personal expenses amounting to 33,000 euros using the card provided to him by Cajamadrid after he was appointed director.
Ferroglobe has become López Madrid’s ivory tower. From there he has resisted the onslaught of justice, even when everyone was pressuring his father-in-law to get rid of him. There he took refuge in 2017 when he had to resign as a director of OHL after the board’s independents ‘revolted’ and demanded his departure after being implicated in the Lezo case.

lópez madrid’s doctor breaks her silence: «either it was a

However, it is significant and very relevant to know that Javier López Madrid was concerned to the point of commissioning a sweep a decade ago about the possible recordings of Commissioner José Villarejo.  When that happened, López Madrid was head of Inmobiliaria Espacio and Letizia was Princess of Asturias.
As we already told this summer, the theory that there is a tape with conversations between the two that compromises the image of the monarchy, a recording that some believe could be in the possession of Commissioner Villarejo but of which, so far, there is no evidence.
The link between Commissioner Villarejo and Javier López Madrid was accredited when the businessman acknowledged in court to have contacted him to solve his judicial problems in the crossing of complaints with the dermatologist Elisa Pinto. That was in 2015. But the cleaning of micros in these homes was much earlier.
Accused of money laundering, criminal organization and bribery, Villarejo never thought he would go to prison. The so-called patriotic police, of which he was a member, had power, hot information and compromising data from all over the world. They believed they were untouchable and acted with a series of friendly journalists to whom they gave information in exchange for good treatment in their respective media.

javier lópez madrid’s relationship with felipe vi and letizia.

López Madrid wept bitterly in April 2017, the night he spent in a Madrid police station after being arrested at Barajas airport for the Lezo case, when he was returning from London, where he had voluntarily exiled himself to get away from the judicial avalanche that was coming his way. He was released on parole after paying a bail of 100,000 euros.
The Prosecutor’s Office dismissed the appeals of Villarejo and López Madrid and has sent to the 39th Court of Instruction of Madrid its conclusions in which it considers it proven that Villarejo assaulted the dermatologist on behalf of the businessman and that both are co-perpetrators of crimes of aggression. As a result, they could sit in the dock to account for such serious crimes.
There was also talk of the delicate situation of Villar Mir’s son-in-law, at the wedding last Saturday of the businessman’s niece, Cristina Villar-Mir in Sotogrande, where López Madrid seemed to be attending a funeral, rather than a family party.

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