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Helvetia Anaitasuna: Maite Zugarrondo (p.), Amaia Ayucar (4), María Soto (2), Eider Repes (1), Miriam Semberoiz (2), Nahia Argarate (6, 2p), Samia El Khorssi (1) -starting-; Itziar Abril (ps. ), Ana Razquin, Amaia Galar, Ainhoa Labat, Naroa Aramendia (4), Leyre Ciganda, Eider Legaz and Africa Ferrero.
The boys of Helvetia Anaitasuna were also playing this Sunday with the options of promotion to the men’s Silver Division, although in this case, it was not in their hands and they depended on third results to achieve promotion.
The Navarrese team won their game 25-30 against Base Oviedo but depended on the scoreboard of the match between Caserío de Ciudad Real and Esplugues. The victory of the latter by the same score, 25-30, allowed the Catalans to occupy the promotion place and left the Pamplona team without a prize.

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Bugs Bunnyk, marrazki bizidunetako untxi xelebreak, ez zion azenarioak jateari uzten, bere esaldi ohikoena botatzen zuen bitartean: «Zer berri diagu, aitona?». Pertsonaia horrek (Popeyek ziazerbekin bezala), untxiek azenarioekiko duten zaletasunaren mitoa ezartzen lagundu zuen, nahiz eta, egiatan, nahiago duten azenarioen hostoak jatea.
Azenarioa katamotzaren ikusmenarekin lotzen duena izango da, beharbada, mitorik ezagunena. Nondik dator sineskeria hori? Ikusmena zaintzen laguntzen duten elementuak dituen arren (betakarotenoa, A bitamina bihurtzen dena; eta erretinola), egia esan, pixka bat esajeratu ere egin izan da.
Bigarren Mundu Gerran sortu zen mitoa: Britainia Handiko aireko indarrek zabaldu zuten bere pilotuek azenario asko asko jaten zutela gauez ikusmen hobea izateko (egiatan, aireko radar bat garatu zutela ezkutatzen ari ziren). A bitamina faltak gaueko ikusmen falta eragiten du, eta azenarioak jateak hori prebeni dezake. Ikusmenerako onak dira, baina ez dute miraririk egiten!

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The Confiterías Gil-Ciudad de Salamanca cadet women’s team settled their visit to Pucela with a 13-26 victory over Handball Valladolid in the match played at the Polideportivo Gonzalo de Berceo. With this victory, the team from Salamanca consolidates its position in the middle of the table with 12 points, although far from the first positions.
Irache Sanz has become the first signing of the 2019-20 season of the senior team Confitería Gil-Ciudad de Salamanca. The first line, formed in Balonmano Dominicos de Zaragoza, joins the Salamanca first division team directed by Julián Martín, ‘Figu’.
During these weeks tests will be carried out to players who may be interested in joining the team. The ambitious challenge is to achieve promotion next season, and for this purpose they intend to make a great team with some incorporation that will help to achieve it. The Club will also make every possible effort so that the players have the motivation to play with this shield. To this end, we are agreeing with different companies and institutions to help us make the leap to promotion.

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Until this week, where they have been affected again by the positive case of a close contact of a player and that affects three other members of the team. For this reason, they have been forced to cancel their training sessions, keep quarantine and suspend their league match against BM Valladolid, which was to be played today, Saturday.
In turn, Sporting La Rioja and CD Promete handball and women’s basketball teams, respectively, have also been affected by the coronavirus. The girls of Grafometal suspended their training and planned activities due to the positive result of a close contact. Today they were supposed to travel to the Aragonese town of Tarazona to play a triangular tournament against BM Beti Onak and Schar Zaragoza. In addition to the tournament, this will affect the start of the league scheduled for next 26th. The Riojan club, which will have to be in preventive isolation until September 27, will logically request the postponement of the match.