Nicolasa achicaallende

Nicolasa achicaallende


Murió en Sukarrieta a la edad de 38 años tras enfermar de la enfermedad de Addison durante su estancia en prisión. Había sido acusado de traición por intentar enviar un telegrama al presidente Theodore Roosevelt, en el que elogiaba a Estados Unidos por ayudar a Cuba a independizarse de España.
Una de las consecuencias de la Primera Guerra Carlista fue la sustitución de los fueros vascos del Antiguo Régimen por una autonomía limitada y aún relevante. Una mayoría en Navarra y el resto de las comarcas vascas apoyó al pretendiente a la corona española Carlos V por su apoyo a sus instituciones y leyes (caracterizadas por ser más liberales que en el resto de España). Sin embargo, fueron derrotados en 1839, y Navarra, Vizcaya, Álava y Gipuzkoa se integraron en el sistema aduanero español. Los industriales vascos se beneficiaron de la privatización de las explotaciones y del mercado cautivo español con el mineral de hierro y el convertidor Bessemer, y Vizcaya se convirtió en «la California del hierro». Trabajadores de toda España fueron atraídos a la zona como mano de obra para la floreciente industria.

Basque fascism

The pro-independence Basque nationalism advocated by Arana was born in a period of abrupt social, cultural and political changes that will be transcendental for the understanding of today’s society.
Within Arana’s ideological evolution, several phases stand out. From his original Carlism per accidens and fuerismo, he evolved to a pro-independence Biscayanism in which he changed the fuerista slogan Jaungoicoa eta foruac (God and fueros) for the nationalist Jaun Goikua eta Lagi zarra (God and old law, JEL),[21][22] declaring a «war to the death» against Carlism.[23] Traditionally, it is considered to begin with his first political speech in Larrazábal.
In 1893, during the desserts of a dinner organized in his honor by seventeen friends and acquaintances to celebrate the publication of his first book, Arana gave a private speech, which he later delivered in writing to those present, known as the «Larrázabal Oath» in an act that represents the beginning of his political activity and the semi-official beginning of Arana’s Basque nationalism, although at that time Arana spoke rather of a Biscayan independence, but respecting the decision of the other territories to join his project.

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Basque nationalism 2020

In the newspaper Bizkaitarra there is an article titled «La gallegada», where it is ridiculed that there were Galicians playing the organ in some Basque church. And in Baserritarra another one: «The band from Durango went through, at night, several streets of Mundaka playing the gallegada. It is admirable the patience of the mundakeses». And he was not joking.
The Galicians displeased Sabino Arana very much, for reasons that we do not understand: «The wretches who do not appreciate at all the blood shed by our ancestors to bequeath us a free Bizkaya, have degenerated to the point of seeming Galicians». Or what about this one: «Our race is degenerating in such a way that in many cases its proverbial haughtiness has become the proverbial debasement of the Galician».
And as far as women are concerned, Sabino Arana goes from one extreme to the other. He considers Basque women the quintessence of racial purity, as in the case of his wife, Nicolasa Achica-Allende, whom he turns into Nikole Atxika, as if she were a kind of ethnic trophy, after verifying that her first 126 surnames were Basque and removing the Allende.

Pnv eta

But it was no longer easy to divert the inertia created. The PNV organ La Patria was in the hands of young radical Sabinians, and Angel Zabala, whom Arana would end up appointing as his successor at the head of the PNV, also persisted in his previous ideas. A series of maneuvers and intrigues in the party followed. Arana had promised to write the program of the new group, but Addison’s disease, a dysfunction of the adrenal glands, had him increasingly prostrated, and he did not manage to do so.
(1) The substitution of «free» for «loose», to avoid Castilian, also occurs in Galician nationalism with the word «ceibe» (Galicia or Galiza ceibe) from «ceibar», to release, which used to be applied to cattle.