Adios princesa david rocasolano

Reina letizia y rey felipe vi en trámites de un divorcio

He leído detenidamente este libro de papel de casi 300 páginas, escrito en español. El nombre del autor en la portada es David Rocasolano. Es abogado de profesión, y si en verdad es el autor de este libro, le sugiero que cambie inmediatamente su profesión por la de escritor profesional. Una vez empezado, es imposible dejar el libro, ya que se exponen horror tras horror en una prosa legible, compuesta sin piedad ni para sus sujetos ni para el lector.
Todo el libro está dedicado a un ataque bien planificado y aún mejor programado a lo siguiente: Don Juan Carlos I, Rey de España; la esposa de su hijo Felipe, Príncipe de Asturias, la «princesa» del título – Letizia (en realidad una prima del autor); el sistema de protocolo en España; la Prensa en España; la mayoría de los informativos de televisión y radio en España; una de las hermanas del Rey y todo cortesano a la vista. El Príncipe de Asturias escapa a la censura. Es uno de los buenos compañeros. La hermana ciega del Rey también se escapa, porque es una querida dama y no es nada esnob. La Reina de España también escapa sin mancha.

«the wedding of felipe and letizia» and «abortion of

Farewell, Princess is the story of the crash of a great express train, the Bourbons, against a modest caravan of gypsies, the Ortiz-Rocasolano, whom they have run over without bothering to look back. This is the story told from the bottom up, stripped of the glamour and its lies, from what is left of that destroyed caravan.Goodbye, Princess is the story of the crash of a great express train, the Bourbons, against a modest caravan of gypsies, the Ortiz-Rocasolano. We have been run over and they have not even bothered to look back. Érika is dead and the rest of us are left alone and mutilated. That is why I am writing this. I know that history has no way back. But that story, so far, has only been told from the top down, with all its glamour and lies. Now I am going to tell it from the bottom up. From what is left of that destroyed gypsy caravan. I warn you right now: it is not a happy story.
Farewell, Princess is the story of the crash of a great express train, the Bourbons, against a modest caravan of gypsies, the Ortiz-Rocasolanos, whom they have run over without bothering to look back. This is the story told from the bottom up, stripped of the glamour and its lies, from what is left of that destroyed caravan.Goodbye, Princess is the story of the crash of a great express train, the Bourbons, against a modest caravan of gypsies, the Ortiz-Rocasolano. We have been run over and they have not even bothered to look back. Érika is dead and the rest of us are left alone and mutilated. That is why I am writing this. I know that history has no way back. But that story, so far, has only been told from the top down, with all its glamour and lies. Now I am going to tell it from the bottom up. From what is left of that destroyed gypsy caravan. I warn you right now: it is not a happy story.

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Adios princesa by david rocasolano, on intereconomia

Goodbye Renia! It is a good book, well written, with a lot of humor. The writer is able to keep the reader’s attention, I read it very fast and didn’t even notice it. I can imagine the now queen when she found out about this book, with cousins like this for what enemies.
I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t have high expectations beyond the morbid desire to discover some dark aspects of our current queen and her in-laws, but what was described was quite interesting. It is also very well written.
I was curious to read this book and I knew I was going to be quite entertained with it, to be honest, I was too entertained, it is well written, entertaining and not boring at all, one of those that you devour in a jiffy. This book is a tribute to betrayal, a desperate poem of that cousin that nobody wants to have, it is written from the perspective of revenge, basically I could summarize it like this: «I was too smart, it didn’t work out, you didn’t support me, now you will know who I am». His wickedness is embodied in the
Interesting dissertation on the black sheep that I would dare to say, all families must suffer, transferred to the real world. But I think he danced a lot to his cousin’s water with his bullshit, before he sent her to the can.

David rocasolano, princess letizia’s cousin, in the gato al

Farewell, Princess» book also talks about the relationship between Letizia and David Tejera, CNN anchor before her engagement to the Prince. «David Tejera was a nice guy. Nice guy. Funny. Very nice. Alonso Guerrero (pictured) had always been more of a teacher than a boyfriend, partner or husband. Alonso was a Pygmalion for her and Letizia listened and internalized her ex-husband’s arguments until she avidly made them her own. Whenever I saw her with Alonso, I felt that the schoolgirl Letizia was once again inhabiting that woman’s body. Attentive. Obedient».
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